Hi folks! Now that I have some time on my hands, I'm going to tackle a project...
The Mantle Makeover!
I've been wanting to do this for awhile now and thought I'd do a display tutorial and take anyone along with me who'd like to go.
This is a shot of the mantle which a long time ago looked very different. You know how you have a nice minimal look on a coffee table or wall and it looks great? Then we think we should keep adding to it and then all of the sudden there is no display anymore. It's now a public storage space. We've all been there, I know.
So what to do with your things when it's starting to look more like a hoarders cove instead of a treasure trove?
First step:
Take a stroll through your favorite things
(I apologize in advance for the amount of times I say "Um")
My Rules of Thumb:
Oh, and it's pretty clear I planned this display. I don't know anyone who just magically puts everything in the right spot without a plan—a good plan is always key!
And there you have it! An easy way to refresh the look of your mantle display!

In this last video clip, I walk you through all my favorite treasures that I've decided to feature this time around.
Here's the closer: Have fun with objects, especially antique and vintage. It's the best advice to any small business I could give...care about your walls and what people see when they patronize your business.

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