On the last episode of QUARANTINE TALES: BEATING BOREDOM we highlighted the lovely staff of Foursided Card+Gift in Lakeview (or as we on the inside call it, FCG). Sarah was getting her exercise in by playing Catsketball while blaring Hollaback Girl, Claire was doing her own Julie&Julia to calm her fears of catching Covid19, and Sam was hit with the other pandemic sweeping the United States, Tiger King.
And just like the documentary about the high-stakes world of big cat collecting you never asked for, here is the final installment of this blog series.
We asked our Foursided staff:
Well, I dragged my heels long enough on this, so I suppose it's time to reveal my time in the clink *errr* I mean quarantine...
To pass the days I've been rearranging furniture in our apartment (don't tell a designer they can move a couch and not expect the rest to follow suit), taking the pup for long walks, working on some exciting projects I can finally pull off the back burner, desperately attempting to keep off the quarantine weight by doing my at home workouts with Orange Theory Fitness, and writing this blog series.
Oh and I turned 32 (I know, I know, I don't look a day over 300!)
I've finally settled into my new desk which sits in the corner of our main room—spoiled with a stunning view of downtown Chicago, an architecture lover's dream. I've done my best to blend my boyfriend's aesthetic (minimal/modern) with mine (old gay wizard). I've kept all the things which inspire and motivate me at my desk—I think it's important to surround your workspace in things which will help drive all your creative energy. Also, I promised my boyfriend I would only bring photos of dead people I'm related to—spoilsport.
But don't you worry, I'm doing my fair amount of couch potato-ing as well. My top favorites binges so far have been:
Outlander (Starz) introducing the show to my boyfriend has allowed me to indulge in a rewatch of the entire series—a former World War II nurse in 1946 finds herself transported back to Scotland in 1743—stunning performances, steamy chemistry, story, costumes, locations.
The Kingdom (Netflix) is the perfect pandemic story—a zombie plague set in an ancient Korean kingdom.
Unorthodox (Netflix) is an incredibly performed piece loosely based on a young woman's escape to the unknown world outside her ultra-Orthodox enclave in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
We fell into the insane world of Tiger King (Netflix), which at this point needs no explanation (except for where Carole hid the body).
And currently we're addicted to Ozarks (Netflix) making our way through season 2—obsessed with Laura Linney and Jason Bateman.
Other binge-worthy shows I suggest (not that any of you asked): Harlots (Hulu) a historical drama about badass women in an 18th century feud between two rival brothels—gorgeous costumes and delicious acting. Shut Eye (Hulu) a dark comedic look at the underground world of Los Angeles storefront psychics and the organized crime syndicates that runs them. And of course The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, a brilliant, quick witted woman turns 1950s housewife to stand up comedian when her husband leaves her for his secretary—the details, the performances, and the writing are superb.
This government mandated time away from everyone has been a blessing and a curse. A curse for the obvious economic reasons, but also the anxiety and constant state of "what if" that is has put everyone under. A blessing, because it's allowed all of us to sit and really focus on what and who matters in our lives—and what we can live without. Not to mention the boatload of creative content that is brewing all over the world.
Honestly, quarantine life isn't much different than the decade of my life I spent as a freelance Entertainment Designer.
Only this time I'm wondering if I bought enough Charmin.
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Foursided Broadway

Foursided Broadway
I decided to rework my gallery wall. I switched around the frames throughout my apartment and added some new pieces into the mix.

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And remember—we're all in this together.
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