Join us for a showcase of new work by Foursided founder, creator, imaginator: Todd Mack. Don't miss the chance to get inspired by unique original collage art coupled with innovative framing. You will leave with a guaranteed case of "Holy smokes, how'd he do that?!" and perhaps some one-of-a-kind new artwork for your home.

Stunning Chicago-centric piece by Todd Mack made from the ground up with vintage rulers and raw creativity. See it at the show!

We love here, we love there, we love Chicago everywhere! Vintage road map reclaimed!

The star of the show and classic Todd Mack[/caption] Join us, and the rest of Andersonville for the
Night of 100 pARTies on October 10th, 2014 for booze, treats, and art by Foursided founder, Todd Mack. @ Foursided Aville, 6-10pm. 5061 N Clark. You don't want to be the only one not there! See more of Todd Mack's work
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