The stats are in. It's quite simple, really. After the conclusion of a 10 year study by Civic Economics on the monetary impact of local shops vs corporate chains there are pages of important proof on the benefits of shopping local businesses. C.E. dedicated years of time, endless amounts of number crunching, and research right in our Andersonville backyard. Maybe you're not into reading statistics- that's okay. We've got one key point we really want to get out there.

Use your Holiday spending to vote where you believe your money is most valued. A great place to start is by checking out local chamber of commerce sites for businesses that are active within their community. In Chicago, the Lakeview East Chamber and Andersonville Chamber are each giving away $50 gift cards to shoppers purchasing in their neighborhoods with participating retailers. Check out the details on their sites for information on qualifications and redemption.

Also, this Saturday November 30th, you can earn a $10 statement credit when using your registered AmEx at participating small businesses- including all three of our shops.
There are many more ways to save! Follow your favorite local shops on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest as many small businesses use these platforms to announce sales and flash deals you may miss otherwise. We love to share news & promotions via email, as do many small shops, so joining their list brings the deals directly to you. (Plus, they won't send you an email everyday like major corporations. Phew!)
How do you save when shopping local? We'd love to know (we shop local too, ya know!)
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