On the last episode of QUARANTINE TALES : BEATING BOREDOM, Mel was studying sleeping habits, Carla was reviving a Civil War ghost, Justine was channeling reality show stars with her Tarot, and Mikaela was living her introverted dreams.
But what else has happened since PART TWO? Prince Charles got Covid19 but don't you worry America, we've got our national treasure under lock and key--Betty White announced she's safe and healthy (PHEW).
The government announced we're in this at least until April 30th...so in the words of one, Justin Timberlake, the next time we see you "it's gonna be MAY"
(...I'm not even sorry I made that joke...)
To provide you with some ideas, we asked our Foursided staff:
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I’ve been feeling sick for the past few days and, due to current current circumstances, told by doctors and the Department of Public Health that they couldn’t really do much for me. Because one of my symptoms is consistent with COVID-19, I was asked not to go to the doctors office, but because my symptoms are not similar enough to COVID-19, I cannot be tested for it. I was instructed to stay home and ride it out.
Needless to say, it’s an incredibly scary time to be feeling under the weather, but I’m also very lucky to have the ability to stay home and follow health department instruction while our stores are closed.
To pass the time where I’m not sleeping and hydrating, I’ve taken the approach of cutting myself off from news and coronavirus-related media as much as possible.
I’ve been working my way through the Alison Roman “Dining In” cookbook I was given for Christmas (can’t wait to purchase her “Nothing Fancy” cookbook at Foursided when we’re open again!).
Podcasts: “Who? Weekly”“Las Culturistas”“You Must Remember This”
I also highly recommend having a partner who reads the news for you and talks you down when you’re convinced you absolutely have coronavirus.

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When I start to get antsy, I try to take my cues from my cat/quarantine-mates Rigamarole and Malarkey. They’re both really good at staying home and taking it easy.

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So...how are YOU spending your time?
Send us your quarantine tales and tips to pass the time and we might feature you in our next blog!
Email us at customerservice@foursided.com
No matter how you spend your time in quarantine, everyone at Foursided hopes you’re staying safe, healthy and happy!
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