Whatever you desire as a giver or a receiver, we have great Chicago-themed ideas for everyone in your life. From kids to adults, from artists to sports enthusiasts, or even a custom made Chicago treat for yourself. Below we've included a sampling of Foursided's favorite "all about Chicago" gifts.
Antique and Vintage Chicago Fun
Vintage Flash Cards - Spell Anything You Want!
$3 each
Daily News Apron Chicago Buttons Todd Mack Art aFavorite Card & Tag
Christmas in an Envelope
Chicago Seasons Greetings
$17 per box
Snow Globe Silver on Blue Greetings
$4.75 each $18.75 per box $5.25 each
Chicago Style or Santa Style?
Chicago Style Screen Print $30 or
Vintage Style Foil Santa $14
Chicago Ornaments
Chicago for Beginners
Books for Kids
Cubs 101 $10.95 Good Night Chicago $9.95 123 $9.95 History for Kids $14.95
Come Visit Us...
Antique Phrase Flash Cards
Various Prices
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