Your favorite gift to give or current shopping obsession: I am obsessed with giving gifts by independent artisans. There are so many excellent options out there, both online and in awesome stores like Foursided and Twosided. I like being able to support others who are sticking their necks out and sharing their craft because it isn’t easy. #1 to do on your bucket list “Travel to Japan” has moved in to the number one spot now that quit the day job is crossed off. At the end of the day I... Try to cook myself a real meal. Cooking is my second love, next to photography, and it relaxes me. I don’t often have an “end of the day,” but I do try to take a break and cook.
Favorite Chicago pizza? As blasphemous as this may sound, I don’t like Chicago deep dish. Sorry! I am an East Coast girl and prefer the regular pan pizza.

Anything else you'd like to share while you have a soapbox to share it from? You are never too old to make a change in your life. I am 39 years old, worked for the same company for 15 years and decided one day, last year, that I had enough. I am approaching a year on my own and I haven’t looked back. So many people don’t take leaps for fear that they will fail. To me, the failure would be if I had stuck with a job that made me unhappy and never took the chance. Life is way too short not to live every day as happy as possible.
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