A Brief History

Your Turn
Among your curious collection you've found a thin, black envelope. The crest sealing it shut has the image of a skull—is this a warning, or an invitation? As you break the seal to take a peak inside you notice the air go still. The light in the room seems to flicker. From behind you there comes the feeling that you're no longer the only one in the room.
Quick! Grab the candle, give it a light. White candles are revered for keeping the spirit world at bay—letting only pure souls speak while divining.
The satchel of crystals should be kept close, their energy pulses as you tip-toe into the otherworld.
Thought to drive out any ill-wish or evil spirit, lighting the bundle of sage and letting it douse to just a gentle stream of smoke which you waft around the room to cleanse the space ( tip: when using sage for a full home cleansing, always start from the back and work your way forward, towards the front door of your home. Make sure to get every doorway, closet, nook and cranny. Extinguish your sage outside your front door, making sure to let any ill-spirit or wish outside where it will stay )
Keep your skeleton key close, the door to the other side may be locked and this will guide you through this magical realm.
Now, pull out your cards thinking about what you want to know. Hold this thought in your heart as you shuffle the cards.
Lay out your cards in the order as seen on our FOURSIDED Tarot Reading guide.
The first card connects to your PAST.
The second card connects to your PRESENT.
The third card predicts your FUTURE.
The fourth card ties to the OUTCOME of the thing you wanted to know.
The Meaning Of Your Cards*
Unlock this DOOR to discover what your specific WAND card means.
Associated with conflict and strife -- both external and internal. These cards cut to the heart of a matter, revealing challenges such as illness, heartbreak, war, loss, and death. But they can also reveal truths we need to face in order to overcome obstacles and move forward, which is ultimately a positive thing.
Unlock this DOOR to discover what your specific SWORD card means.
Connected to our emotions, our relationships, and matters of the soul. When a Cups card comes up in your Tarot reading, pay attention to your dreams, your heart, and your intuitions. From great joy to immense grief, the Cups cards reveal how we truly feel -- and how others feel about us.
Unlock this DOOR to discover what your specific CUP card means.
Sometimes referred to as "Coins", these pertain to things in the material and physical world. Often Pentacles are mistaken as only symbols of wealth and money matters. But in truth they speak of success and prosperity on all levels. This includes money and career success, but also family, body, and health matters. It’s typically an indicator that something in your material world needs attention. This can be positive (such as a successful business transaction or a large inheritance) or negative (such as health troubles or obstacles in the way of your success). This suit also represents your personal values -- the things you love, are attracted to, and collect around yourself. The theme of prosperity is not limited to only a financial experience. Even the poorest person can be enriched and increased by the experience of a golden moment, contact with goodness, or beauty -- all parts of the Pentacles suit.
Unlock this DOOR to discover what your specific PENTACLE card means.
Remember, only you can decide if these cards truly divine your fate. A wrong turn, a chance encounter, a happy find, all of these can change your trajectory. Tarot cards read things as they are and as they CAN be, not as they WILL be. If you don't like your fate, change it. Reflect on your reading and see what you can embrace or what you can work on.
Make sure to thank the spirits as you place your cards back into the black envelope. Let the spiced sent of the locally made Edgewater Candle warm your home with it's delicious notes of apple -- a symbol knowledge, wisdom, and love.
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