We're actually DROOLING over this incredible mat job that Todd whipped out on this one. It's making us feel all the Chicago feels while we ask ourselves, "HOW did he do that?" It's all about the layering of the matting. This particular project was a piece of music that was written here in Chicago, and the customer wanted the Chicago flag carved into the matting. We were up for the challenge!

The white mats are cut at a bevel, or an angle, to give them more of a layered 3D effect. The blue and red matting are layered underneath to provide the pops of color behind the cut-outs.

Once the edges are trimmed up and looking spiffy, this guy is ready to go into a frame. We thought a white frame would look best, so all of the focus could go to what's inside of it.
When I asked Todd how he pulled this off, this is what he had to say:
"Foursided does not use a computer to cut its mats. They are still done the old fashioned way…by hand. We draw out a design- we use Xacto knives- we sweat over our creative designs for them to be the best they can be. We try, we fail and the we do it again until it works. Foursided vows to stave off as long as possible the invasive creativity killing use of robot mat cutters that the majority of other frame shops use. Humans still cut better mats."

Couldn't you just DIE? Like I said, we're obsessed. There's some true framing craftsmanship going on at Foursided!
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