Looking for some inexpensive art to liven up your home?
Your friends at Foursided think hunks and affordable art go together quite well, so we curated THE STUD SHOW for your viewing pleasure!
Save the date for next Friday, July 17 and head up north to the Andersonville outpost of Fourisided Custom Framing to check out our great exhibit. Vintage beefcake photos, along with buff bods from yesteryear and numerous physique pictorials will be gracing our walls from Friday July 17 until mid August.
Fancy a buff bod for your own home? We have a hunk for everyone's price range with framed or unframed pieces ranging from just $15-$100. We can't promise that the studs will be modestly dressed, but we can guarantee the art will be modestly priced! The open house kicks off at 6pm on Friday July 17 with libations, appetizers, and eye candy galore. We hope to see you there!
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